Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Product Review #2: Amy's Tamale Pie

Ah, I love product reviews! There are just some foods you have to tell everyone
about. As most of you know, I am a college student with a busy schedule. It was Monday
afternoon and I just finished with class. I was hungry and wanted to buy a meal to eat at home rather
 than spend $7 on lunch and have it go cold on me. I've been meaning to try Amy's frozen entrées for
a while. Well, I finally got my chance. The name " Tamale Pie" and the picture got me intrigued
so I went to the cash register and brought this baby home.

First Impressions: small box= possibly small portion?, picture is very appealing, I love
polenta and stewed veggies so what could be better?!
Calories= 140
Fat = 4
As one can see, this is very light for a meal, but I assure you there is a ton of protein
and fiber (4g) that will keep you pretty full.
Personally, I find this to be one of the best looking frozen entrees on the market. 
The tender polenta holds a rich, tomatoey blend of corn ,onions and beans.

Taste: Once you take one bite, you'll forget that this is a frozen mini meal. I couldn't stop eating this one 
and I wish there was more! The sauce is rich and flavorful and the polenta is tender and chewy.

Overall: I would buy this again for my next mini meal!
Rating: 4 stars
      Rating System: 1 star = never eating this again
                             2 stars= I wasted my money on this meal, but I will eat it because I'm hungry.
                             3 stars= I am satisfied
                             4 stars= Omg this is so good!
                             5 stars= foodgasm. get me more.

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