Thursday, April 24, 2014

Decadent and Healthy??! The Most Amazing Black Bean Brownies

From: Chocolate Covered Katie
Have you ever had one of those Friday nights when you have absolutely nothing
to do?! Yes, I think we have all had that feeling at some point in our lives. Last week was crazy for me because my dad was in the hospital and my mom wanted to stay with him overnight. I don't blame her, the nurses actually made some rookie mistakes. (SMH.) Anyway, that left me home alone with my grandfather. Not like there is anything wrong with that because we had a nice Chinese meal together and we got to catch up. He is no different that the average senior citizen because he falls asleep really easily in front of the TV. I really didn't feel like watching more TV or going on the computer. At the same time, I had a chocolate craving, but wanted something healthy and sweet. Look no further than !
I already knew she had brownie recipes , but I was looking for one with black beans because I knew I had those in the pantry. Low and behold there it was. Before all of you think I'm crazy for putting black beans in this classic chocolate treat, I want you to know these are absolutely delicious. You cannot taste the black beans at all! Just pure, fudgey deliciousness. Plus, these brownies don't get dry after 2 days so share them with everyone! I am definitely going to make these again.
PS: for my version of this recipe I pureed the chocolate chips in with the batter (oops) but it made it taste awesome. I also put some chocolate chips on top of the hot brownies to melt and spread on top.
1 (15 oz) can of black beans ( RINSED AND DRAINED WELL!!)
2 tbsp. cocoa powder
1/2 cup quick oats
1/4 tsp salt
1/3 cup honey
3 packets low cal sweetener, plus 1 tbsp. regular sugar
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/2- 1 cup chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 350.
2.Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Blend until very, very smooth. Make sure there are not too many lumps (from the beans). Taste the batter to make sure it is to your liking.
I know it will be ;)
3. Pour into a greased 8x8 pan.
4.Sprinkle chocolate chips over top.
5. Bake 15-18 minutes.
6. Spread melted chips with a knife and let cool.
7. The melted chocolate chips add a nice hardened glaze.
Serves: 9-12

This Is the Real Deal: "Skinny" Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Frozen Yogurt ( No Ice Cream Maker Required!)

I recently created a Pinterest account and have been exploring the many pins and things my friends are interested in. One of the most popular things people post are pics of food/recipes. Pinterest is great because if you are looking for a specific recipe or doing some recipe research, Pinterest has you covered. And if you aren't convinced by all the mouth-watering pictures, there is something wrong with you. Anyway, I make it a point to actually make the recipes I pin. I recently came across this picture and recipe on Pinterest. It's from the Domestic Rebel. Recently, I've been trying to exercise more, eat less crap food, and control my portions. I admit its difficult because I love dessert! After seeing this recipe I fell in love. It has everything you love about cookie dough, plus the creaminess of fat free greek yogurt. It is so simple to make and your taste buds will thank you. The texture is wonderfully smooth, considering you don't need an ice cream maker to make this. Just try not to eat it all before it goes in the freezer. Just a note, I used regular size chocolate chips in this recipe instead of mini chips. ( I'm a chocolate fiend)
From: The Domestic Rebel
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp. milk
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 - 1 cup regular size chocolate chips
1 cup fat free vanilla Greek yogurt ( I used Stony Brook Farms ;)
Steps: Have butter softened, and appropriate utencils/bowls out. EASY MICE EN PLACE
1.  In a large bowl,stir the softened butter and sugar together. Mix well.
2. Add in the vanilla and milk, stir to combine.
3. Using a large spoon, add in the flour and stir well.
4. Add in the chocolate chops and stir..
5. Lastly, add in the yogurt. Mix until the consistency is like pudding.
6. Transfer into a freezer safe container and freeze overnight.
Serves: 3 cups

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It's Banana Time: Marbled Banana Bread (vegan)

Ever wonder what you should do with those 2-3 bananas that no one is eating?
Make a sundae? pancakes? muffins? bananas foster? BANANA BREAD?
Yes, banana bread is the answer. Those other choices are good too, but banana bread always satisfies and you can enjoy it day after day. If for some strange reason you can use it to make french toast (omg) or bread pudding.  I had 2 overripe bananas lying around , so I decided to make a banana bread with a twist. Bananas and chocolate are best friends, so why not put them together for one fabulous quick bread? This recipe is vegan, so it has no eggs. Not to worry, this recipe is still moist and delicious. Not to mention, the banana chocolate batter is VERY ADDICITING. Ok, that's your warning.Enjoy this wonderful bread for breakfast, snack, or dessert with ice cream. YUMMO.
2 overripe bananas
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp canola oil
1/3 cup milk (almond or regular)
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp salt
3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
6 tbsp hot water

Steps:Have all these ingredients out,measured, and ready to go.
1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Prepare boiling water. ( no need to measure just estimate 6 tbsp)
3.Mash the banana in a large mixing bowl. Make sure to mash it fine so there are no lumps.
4. Beat in the sugar, oil, milk, and vanilla to the mashed banana.
5.Now add the flour, baking soda, and salt to the banana mixture.
6. Mix thoroughly to combine.
7. Using a measuring cup , scoop 1 cup of the batter to another bowl.
8. Add the cocoa powder and 3 tbsp hot water to the second bowl of batter.
9. Stir until combined, add more water if needed.
10. Lightly grease an 8x4 loaf pan. Scoop alternate 1/2 cup fulls of banana batter and chocolate banana batter in the pan. 
11. Using a knife, swirl the batters in any random pattern you desire.
12.Bake for 50-55 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Serves 8

Product Review #2: Amy's Tamale Pie

Ah, I love product reviews! There are just some foods you have to tell everyone
about. As most of you know, I am a college student with a busy schedule. It was Monday
afternoon and I just finished with class. I was hungry and wanted to buy a meal to eat at home rather
 than spend $7 on lunch and have it go cold on me. I've been meaning to try Amy's frozen entrées for
a while. Well, I finally got my chance. The name " Tamale Pie" and the picture got me intrigued
so I went to the cash register and brought this baby home.

First Impressions: small box= possibly small portion?, picture is very appealing, I love
polenta and stewed veggies so what could be better?!
Calories= 140
Fat = 4
As one can see, this is very light for a meal, but I assure you there is a ton of protein
and fiber (4g) that will keep you pretty full.
Personally, I find this to be one of the best looking frozen entrees on the market. 
The tender polenta holds a rich, tomatoey blend of corn ,onions and beans.

Taste: Once you take one bite, you'll forget that this is a frozen mini meal. I couldn't stop eating this one 
and I wish there was more! The sauce is rich and flavorful and the polenta is tender and chewy.

Overall: I would buy this again for my next mini meal!
Rating: 4 stars
      Rating System: 1 star = never eating this again
                             2 stars= I wasted my money on this meal, but I will eat it because I'm hungry.
                             3 stars= I am satisfied
                             4 stars= Omg this is so good!
                             5 stars= foodgasm. get me more.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

First Time Using Crock Pot = Success!: Sesame Chicken Wings

Ok before all of you question the idea of using a crock pot to make chicken wings, lets just
take some time out to admire the beauty of these wings and their sauce..and the beauty of crock
pots for that matter. Chicken wings are traditionally made by deep frying the chicken first and then adding the sauce and toppings you please. These babies on the other hand, are bathed in a mixture of hoisin sauce, soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic powder, and ginger. Then at the end they are topped off with some crunchy and nutty sesame seeds. For one, adding these to the crockpot makes them amazing for two reasons: 1. these chicken wings are much healthier than the fried alternative. 2. they are slow cooked, which gives great time to seal the flavors in and make the chicken tender. When I made these last Friday, I had all the ingredients besides the chicken so this recipe was rather inexpensive to make. Also, letting the slow cooker cook em up was great because I was able to focus on completing my project. From time to time, I tossed the wings in the sauce for an even coating.
3 lbs chicken wings, wing tips removed
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
1 cup soy sauce
1 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon chopped parsley ( optional garnish)
sesame seeds (ADD THESE ON TOP!)

Steps: Have wet and dry ingredients measured out in small, separate bowls. MICE EN PLACE!
1. Place chicken wings in a slow cooker.
2. Combine all of the following ingredients except sesame seeds.
3. Stir in the sauce with chicken wings. Try your best to coat evenly.
4. Plug your crock pot and cover. Cook for 3 hours.
5. Remove wings and sauce and place in a large baking dish.
5. Bake or broil 5-10 mins until the wings caramelize a bit.
6. Top with sesame seeds and devour!
Serves 6

Where I've Been This Whole Month

Many of you may have been wondering why I haven't been posting as much as I used to..

    Well, the truth is I have really been busy! Although I am not at my job anymore (long story), I have   gotten quite tied up with my 15 credits worth of classes and trying to spend as much time with the love of my life who recently left for Puerto Rico. When I am not doing either of those things I am either in class for up to 9 hours ( in total) or trying to stay in shape. Oops, I can't forget I have been playing and loving my (sort of ) new cat Peanut.  Don't worry I still LOVE cooking and baking as much as I did when I started this blog. SCRATCH THAT! I love baking and cooking even more now, and I have improved greatly since starting Culinary college. Blogging is not an easy task because there are many pictures to upload and things to write.  In my opinion, those are the two main components of a great blog. In a few moments I will be posting a recipe of Sesame Chicken Wings I made last weekend. Stay tuned for a food review soon as well. There is a plethora of recipes from school and other blogs I am dying to try. I can't wait to share them with you! :)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Just Something I Threw Together: Fiesta Shrimp Salad

There is nothing like a big healthy salad! Now a days, there are so many choices
of salads to buy and make, you would have enough salad for life. Many
fast food chains (McDonalds) and modified quick serve ( Panera) offer salad
as a main meal. The salads can range from a modest 390 calories to a whopping 650 calories ( Panera's  Chicken Cobb Salad) Now, the salad itself without dressing has 430 calories. Not bad. But, pretty much everyone I know likes dressing on their salad! I, myself, am rather conservative with the amount of salad dressing I put on my salad.   

Panera's Chicken Cobb Salad clocks in at 650 calories! Don't let the healthy
appearance fool you. Courtesy of (
Premium Chicken Bacon Ranch Salad has 390 calories, and that's without dressing. Still this salad is under 600 calories, which is good for a main meal.

I like making my own salads because I know exactly what goes in them. If I really wanted to I could figure out the nutrition facts for my salad. This recipe doesn't have exact measurements, I just added as much as I thought was necessary to get a bite of everything. Who wouldn't want layers of crispy lettuce, creamy avocado, lime infused shrimp, corn, and flavorful black beans?! In addition I made a lime vinaigrette using lime juice, oil, and some spices. The recipe I found for this said to use 1/4 cup of dressing, I found that to be too much. In fact, I would probably skip the dressing and just squirt some fresh lime juice on!

1 small box/bag of mixed greens
1 small bag of frozen shrimp (fresh is good too)
1 can of Green Giant Fiesta Corn ( corn with red peppers)
1 avocado, diced
3/4-1 can black beans, drained and seasoned
1 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
2-3 tbsp butter
3-4 tbsp lime juice
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 tsp red pepper
Steps: Have avocado diced, shrimp defrosted (if frozen) and tomatoes halved.MICE EN PLACE!
1. Heat a large, non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add butter, lime juice, cumin, red pepper to the pan. 
Add frozen shrimp.
2. Cook until sauce has evaporated a bit and shrimp is tender, about 10 mins.
3. Assemble salad in the following order:
4. Squirt with additional lime juice.
5. Toss salad
 Serving Size: 2-3 large entree salads

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Eve Dessert ( for the win): Churro Cupcakes

Adapted from: Lady Behind The Curtain
This years New Year's Eve was one of the best NYE celebrations to date. I celebrated
with the love of my life and his mother. Obviously that is not many people, but it was amazing quality time with both of them. We were supposed to be with my boyfriends family members, but they cancelled and celebrated at a home much farther away. I didn't know that before I made the cupcakes so I made exactly 14 cupcakes because including me that's how many people would be there. I made these after coming home from work and I am proud of how they turned out. I dug out my piping bag and went to work. These were pretty simple to make ( even after 8:00) and scrumptious! The addition of cake flour and buttermilk ( my secret) makes them even better. The cake is slightly sweet and very tender. The cinnamon sugar topping makes a nice contrast with the cake and cream cheese icing. I did not use the cream cheese icing recipe because I did not feel like washing extra dishes at night (lazy me). Canned is fine if you are dolloping on a little bit as I did. As a last note, I made half of this recipe, but I will give the full amounts ,which makes 28 cupcakes.

1 1/2 cups cake flour
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
    1/2 tsp salt
  1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
2 sticks unsalted butter ( at room temp)
1 3/4 cup sugar
4 large eggs ( at room temp)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
* milk ( 1 cup buttermilk , 1/4 cup regular milk)
Cinnamon Topping
4 tablespoon melted butter
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon.

Steps: Have your eggs and butter at room temp. Have flours and other dry ingredients measured! 
1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Whisk both flours,baking soda, salt, and cinnamon in a bowl.
3.Cream butter and sugar until fluffy.
3. Add eggs in one at a time. Scrape the bowl as needed with a rubber scraper.
4.Add flour mixture in 3 batches, alternating with the milk.
5.Fill cupcake liners 3/4 full until all the batter is used.
6. Bake for 20 minutes until cake is set.
7. Cool cupcakes ( I cooled them on the window sill) ;)
8. Brush with melted butter and dip each cupcake in the cinnamon sugar mix.
9. Pipe out small dollops of frosting with a piping bag.

These are some of the BEST  cupcakes I've ever had. They surpass Crumbs and other bakeries.